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What is the BEST CHOICE FITNESS equipment that you should consider purchasing?

We’re not here to bash Gyms.  They are great customers of ours and they are a valuable resource for those who are fine with paying monthly membership fees. They are places where you at times have to deal with people you prefer you didn’t have to, and many times you end up having to wait to use equipment.  They lack the convenience of a home gym where you also don’t have to worry about inclement weather that you have to subject yourself to just to get a work out in.



Regardless of your needs, with the wide expanse of gym equipment available on the market today it’s easy to assemble an exercise space that's perfectly tailored to your individual needs. This puts you in total control of your workout with no irritating wait times or hours of operation to work around.


With a home gym, you can work out whenever best fits your schedule with no downtime between machines, and ensure that all of your favorite exercises and equipment is easily accessible when you need it.


How to Choose

Due to the variety of equipment available, you have a lot of options as a customer to design a home gym tailored to your exact needs and specifications. Whether you choose an all-in-one system, or a selection of smaller pieces, the possibilities are endless. We realize at Best Choice Fitness that making this decision can absolutely feel overwhelming for someone new to the fitness world, or who has never shopped for this equipment before.


That’s why we are here…to HELP you make the BEST CHOICE when purchasing your home gym. To simplify your decision, let’s go over the various features and components you should take into consideration when making your final purchase, and then lay out several of our most popular gym systems to make your selection one you will be happy with for many years to come.


Factors to Consider:

For most people price is definitely an issue and we realize that. Budget will be one of, if not the #1 consideration, when choosing equipment. Because of this, it’s important to weigh budget against your other needs and preferences. The thought of having a complete home gym station might seem amazing, but if you don’t have the budget or space for that kind of machine, then ultimately, you’ll have a better workout experience if you simplify your selection to something a little more compact and traditional like a set of dumbbells or a multi-function bench.

Fortunately we have partnered with the best finance company out there so you can purchase what you need NOW, and own the equipment at low monthly payments rather than making those same payments (or more) to a gym where you have nothing to call your own at the end of the day.


Another significant concern is the space available to you. Whether you’re choosing equipment for a complete home gym or just looking for a simple solution so that you can work out at home, equipment should be selected with the space in mind.


Some of our all-in-one gyms will fit 

conveniently in a corner of any room

in your home, offering you a full

assortment of exercises in a compact unit

that has a relatively small footprint

with regards to floor space.



So, when you choose equipment, make sure it’s something that fits within your space and is something you can actually, honestly see working into your daily and weekly schedule in the long-term.


Depending on how often and how heavy you plan to use your exercise equipment, you may need to choose different options when it comes to weights and capacities.  If you’re a relatively small, lightweight person mostly looking to improve your cardio endurance, you’re going to have totally different needs than someone about to embark on a plan to train for a bodybuilding competition, and you’re going to work different muscle groups at different frequencies.


For a more weight focused workout, it’s important to select equipment that can accommodate the weights that you’re planning on lifting, as well as equipment that can safely support your own body weight in addition to those added weights. Cardio-goers should also consider weight capacity in their choices, making sure that machines accommodate the size and weight of their bodies as well as include a good range of speeds that encompass the rate of both their usual workout and their intended goal.


Aside from the considerations for your budget, space, and specifications of the machine’s weights and capacities, it’s important to think about your own needs and preferences when choosing your equipment. If you suffer from joint pain or no longer find cardio enjoyable, take a look at our line of low-impact cardio equipment that are not only easy on your joints but FUN to use as well! Try out our line of recumbent bikes, our selection of low-impact elliptical machines, or focus on weights and isometric exercises.



If you have pain in a certain area of your body or have certain mobility challenges or limitations, choose equipment that takes those needs into consideration or focuses on those areas in a safe, gentle way.  The very last thing you want to do is further stress that weakened joint and incur a further injury.


Select equipment that tailors itself well to how you like to work out. You are the one choosing a home gym.  Never lose sight of the fact that you have total control over the choices available, so make sure you pick something that fits your needs.