Which foods are the highest in protein and how to calculate your protein requirements.
Which foods are the highest in protein?
Anyone working out will present a situation where their individual protein needs vary from the general population. Granted, anyone can blend up protein powder but if you are looking for real food to consume for your daily protein needs, this article is for you.
Here are some of the highest-protein foods, ranked by protein content per 100 grams:
Beef jerky: 30-40 grams
Parmesan cheese: 32 grams
Tuna steak: 32 grams
Pumpkin seeds: 30 grams
Turkey: 30 grams
Peanuts: 25-28 grams

Edam cheese: 27 grams

Canned tuna: 25 grams

Cottage cheese: 11 grams

Eggs: 13 grams
Lentils: 9 grams

Tofu: 8 grams

Greek yogurt: 7 grams
Milk: 3.3 grams
These foods are all good sources of protein, but it's important to note that the quality of protein can vary. Animal-based proteins are generally considered to be higher quality than plant-based proteins, as they contain all of the essential amino acids that our bodies need.
If you're looking for high-protein foods that are also good for your overall health, lean meats, fish, eggs, and dairy products are all good choices. Plant-based sources of protein, such as beans, lentils, tofu, and nuts, can also be a good part of a healthy diet.
It's also important to consider your individual needs when choosing high-protein foods. If you're an athlete or someone who is trying to build muscle, you may need to consume more protein than the average person. However, if you're following a low-fat diet, you may want to choose lower-fat sources of protein, such as fish or tofu.
Here is a simple, yet accurate formula to calculate your body’s current protein needs. Take your body weight and divide it by 2.20 then multiply that number by which of the following categories that applies to YOU: Endurance athlete-1.2-1.4, Strength athlete-1.4-2.0 or Bodybuilder-1.8-2.2.
No matter what your needs are, there are plenty of high-protein foods that can help you meet your daily requirements. So, get creative and find ways to incorporate these foods into your meals and snacks.